Year 1

We are embarking on the start of our Key Stage One journey, supporting the transition from Reception to Year 1 through exciting learning opportunities with hands on experiences. This is the first year of the National Curriculum moving away from the Early Learning Goals, although some goals may need consolidation as the children move through Year 1. We look forward to working with you to make the most out of your child’s learning opportunities.

In English we explore a range of texts throughout the school year and immerse ourselves in the stories which supports us to achieve the writing outcomes. Our first story we study of the year is a ‘twisted’ tale of ‘Hansel and Gretel’. We have a multitude of cross-curricular opportunities with our books ‘The Queen’s Handbag’ and ‘The Queen’s Hat’ to explore Queen Elizabeth II, famous rulers and the United Kingdom. Additionally, ‘Halibut Jackson’ provides opportunities to get creative in other subjects such as art. We also study modern texts, one being ‘Hair Love’ by Matthew A Perry discovering challenges we may face day-to-day. We thoroughly enjoy story time which exposes the children to different books each day, both classic and modern.

In mathematics we use the scheme Maths No Problem which explores numbers to 10, number bonds, addition and subtraction, shape and patterns, height and length, multiplications, word problems, fractions, numbers to 100, time, money and volume and capacity. Throughout the academic year we explore and work with the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) from 0-100. We ensure to use practical activities, partner and group work to explore these areas within mathematics.

In Science we take pride in becoming scientists and discovering the world around us and ourselves by investigating our topics – plants, animals including humans and materials. Running alongside these topics we explore the seasons and the changes within each season.

The Geography and History topics lay the foundations for accessing the Opening Worlds scheme used in Key Stage Two. In Geography we get stuck into discovering Living in Cities and the Countryside alongside connecting these elements to Liverpool. We look at field work using map and directional language looking at Where Are We? We also look at Living by the Sea and Working Hard. In History stories are used to retell the lives of six famous rulers, about the past and the recent past of communities and families. We also investigate Photographs of the Recent Local Past and explore Ships and Seafarers Through Time.

The children continue to have a rich curriculum and wide range of subjects through weekly sessions of Religious Education, Computing, PSHE, Music, PE and half-termly Art and Design Technology topics.

Class routines

All pupils must bring their book bags with their reading books to school from home each day, show using the yellow journal they have read at least three times a week. Weekly spellings will be given out on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday.

The longer projects each term have a focus of the History, Geography or Science topics. The selection of 12 activities gives the children the option to get creative, investigate, work independently or in a group with the expectation they complete at least three activities across the term.

As much as possible pupils should be logging onto Numbots and when ready, TTRockstars. If you require a new login, please let Miss Spence know.

Regular updates and information are posted to Dojo. On PE day please remember school PE kit.

If you require any further information please contact the class teacher via Class Dojo, or request an appointment at the office or for quick messages, you can notify us at the classroom door.

Y1 Curriculum Overview

Miss Spence                               Miss Tuite