Summer Fun Day – 14th July 2023

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Summer Fun Day – 14th July 2023

Summer Fun Day – 14th July 2023

22nd June 2023

Summer Fun Day Friday 14th July @ 2pm The School Yard and/or Hall (weather dependant) Food & Refreshments Tuck shop Tea/coffee & other drinks Ice-cream…More

Sponsor Ian for Movember and Decembeard

Sponsor Ian for Movember and Decembeard

2nd November 2022

We are delighted (and very grateful) to announce that our very own Ian Hastie is fundraising to secure some much-needed funds for our Early Years…More

School Officers’ Elections 2022/23

School Officers’ Elections 2022/23

1st November 2022

SCHOOL OFFICERS’ ELECTIONS 2022/23 Our prospective candidates made speeches of the highest quality to the whole school and I was extremely proud of their efforts.…More