Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 class page where your children begin their exciting KS2 journey. The Year 3 team consists of Miss O’Brien, Miss Courtney and Miss Victoria and we look forward to working with you and your children to create a strong and productive home school partnership.
In writing we will be reading and studying some fantastic texts including The Lost Happy Endings, Leon and the Place Between and some classics including The Iron Man and James and the Giant Peach. We will also enjoy a fantastic suspense text about Pompeii and Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing.
Following on from the Read, Write, Inc phonics scheme, when children are ready, they begin to choose home reading books from the Collins’ Big Cat collection. We ask that reading books are brought in every day and we aim to read at least 3 nights at home.
During Mathematics we will continue to explore the Maths No Problem scheme ensuring we give the children plenty of opportunities for hands-on practical learning using concrete manipulatives to support the themes of number, shape, measurement, statistics, with plentiful opportunities for problem-solving and reasoning to improve the children’s numeracy skills.
In Year 3 we offer pupils many opportunities to demonstrate their confidence and expand their speaking and listening skills. For example, on a Monday, pupils can participate in ‘Time to Shine’. Here, children can address their peers to talk about their weekend’s highlights: an exciting event, a sporting or club achievement, to show off a special piece of work they have done. This gives them the opportunity to speak in front of a group and then they have the chance to answer any questions their peers may have.
For our humanities subjects, we begin the full Opening Worlds scheme that they were just introduced to in Year 2 (Summer Term History). In Geography, we learn about the topics: Rivers, Mountains, Settlements Agriculture, Volcanoes and Climates & Biomes. In History, we learn about the Ancient World and Civilisation.
Our timetable allows for a broad and balanced curriculum, making effortful cross-curricular links within and across subjects. We use MGL’s Computing programme, supported by Project Evolve to build responsible digital citizens of tomorrow; and we get amazingly creative in Art & Design lessons, working with charcoal and making collages and puppets. See the Class Overview below for information on our other learning topics.
Weekly spelling homework is set on Spelling Shed, we participate in regular Battle of the Bands tournaments on TT Rockstars and a more in-depth project-type Homework Menu is set termly, relating to either a humanities topic or science.
If you require any further information from us, please message a member of the Y3 Team on Class Dojo, or catch us at drop off or collection times.
Y3 Curriculum Overview
Miss O’Brien Miss Courtney Miss Victoria