Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 class page – we’re off to a fantastic start this year!

In our writing and English lessons, some of the texts we immerse ourselves in a variety of high-quality texts to inspire our writing, whilst actively engaging in drama exercises to bring our own writing to life. Our texts include Anthony Browne’s ‘Into the Forest’; the novels ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’, ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ and ‘The Girl Who Stole an Elephant’; we also embark on a captivating journey with the book, ‘Wolves in the Walls’ by Neil Gaiman, creating monologues, poetry, and non-chronological reports.

Our reciprocal reading lessons, weekly whole reading study texts, and shared novels introduce the children to diverse and engaging texts. Additionally, we connect with significant annual events like International Women’s Day, Black History Month, and Safer Internet Day.

In mathematics, we follow the Maths No Problem programme, offering children a range of practical activities with concrete resources. They will delve into various written methods, enhancing their understanding of number, shape, space, measure, and problem-solving. There is a strong emphasis on times tables, and applying numeracy skills to real-life situations remains a key focus.

Our geography and history topics are extremely engaging for the children this year, with a deep dive into The Roman Empire, Roman Britain, and Christianity in Three Empires. Geography takes us to the realms of Earthquakes and Tourism, unravelling human and physical features, land-use patterns, and key topographical features.

The children’s education remains vibrant and diverse through weekly sessions in Religious Education, Music, Science, Computing, PSHE, and PE (including athletics, dance, and gymnastics). Additionally, we have brilliant half-termly Art and Design Technology topics.

Teaching Days: Miss Beed is the class teacher from Tuesday to Friday, while Mrs. Pickavance is the class teacher on Mondays.

Class Routines:

Every pupil is required to bring their reading book from home each day, demonstrating at least three reading sessions a week. Spelling homework is distributed on Mondays through Spelling Shed, with tests taking place the following Monday. Stay tuned to Class Dojo for daily and weekly updates, homework details, and an insight into the work we are doing in class. Don’t forget to maximize your child’s time on TT Rockstars! (This is so important with our times table check test in the last term.) PE day is Friday – ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on that day.


Each term, the children will receive a more extensive homework project menu linked to ongoing history, geography, or science topics, encouraging in-depth exploration at home over several weeks.

We take pride in the fantastic attitude to learning demonstrated by the children in Year 4 and the remarkable progress they make.

For any further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the Year 4 Team.


Y4 Curriculum Overview


Mrs Pickavance               Miss Beed                                   Miss Dunsby                          Miss Courtney