Year 5
Welcome to the Year 5 class page.
Year 5 marks the beginning of UKS2, which means that the children are nearing the end of their Primary school career! Here we support your children in developing the skills they have learnt during their time in school and starting to prepare them for life outside of school. We are looking forward to working with you and your children to help them make the most out of their time during Year 5.
In English, we will build on knowledge gained earlier in the children’s school careers and apply it to our new texts. We have the gripping non-fiction tale ‘Shackleton’s Journey’, the WW1 based novel ‘Stay Where You Are and Then Leave’, followed by S.F. Said’s science-fiction story ‘Phoenix’, which allows the children to truly exercise their creative skills. The children will also look at a modern traditional tale style picture book in the form of ‘The Kingdom Revealed’, before ending the year on the classic Lewis Carroll poem ‘The Jabberwocky’. During our reading lessons, the children will be exposed to a range of poems, classic texts, fiction and non-fiction, with clear cross-curricular links to topics such as Vikings, Space and The Amazon Rainforest.
In mathematics we will continue to follow the Maths No Problem scheme, ensuring we use plenty of practical activities to support our learning of number, shape, space, measure, and problem- solving to improve our numeracy skills and relate them to real-life situations. We support our learning in Maths with materials from the NCETM and I See Maths.
We have engaging topics for Geography and History this year which are underpinned by the children’s learning during year 3 and 4. We will study the Ancient Round City of Bagdad and the Anglo-Saxons, followed by an in-depth look at the Vikings in Britain and Norse Culture. The children will end the year with a local history study. For Geography, the children will be learning about droughts, oceans and the climate’s impact on them, as well as the push and pull factors relating to migration and rainforests.
Additionally, the children will continue to have a rich and varied curriculum through weekly sessions of Religious Education, Music, Science, Computing (internet safety and, PSHE and PE (including swimming, hockey and yoga), as well as half-termly Art and Design Technology topics.
Class Routines
All pupils must bring their reading book into school from home through the week and show that they have read at least 3 times a week. Weekly spelling homework will be given out on a Tuesday and must be returned by the following Monday. Don’t forget to log on to TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed as much as possible. Each term, the children will also receive a longer, project piece of homework linked to one of the current (history, geography or science) topics to explore in greater depth at home together over several weeks. PE day is Friday– please ensure that your child wears their full school PE kit.
We are incredibly excited to work closely with our families to allow our pupils to Serve with Love and Strive for Excellence.
If you require any further information, please contact Miss Brie.
Y5 Curriculum Overview
Miss Brie Miss Ogden Miss Tate