Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page – the end of our pupils’ Key Stage 2 learning journey, where we create readiness for life in secondary school. We are looking forward to working with you and your children to help them make the most out of their last year at St Vincent de Paul.

In English this year, we will be reading the following books:

Song From Somewhere Else by A. F. Harrold  – Contemporary Novel

Street Child by Berlie Doherty – Historical Novel

Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick – Dystopian Fiction

Varmints By Hellen Ward – Picture Book

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

These varied texts will help us produce a range of exciting writing outcomes including a freeform poem from the perspective of a bullied child; a diary entry in role as a character; a newspaper article reporting upon an invasion; a non-chronological report about Trolls; a monologue/soliloquy from the perspective of a child escaping the workhouse; a biography about the life of Thomas Barnardo; a narrative set during the Victorian Era from the perspective of a child in the workhouse; a dystopian setting description using pathetic fallacy to create mood; a letter of advice to a character; a persuasive speech; a script to entertain an audience;  a balanced argument and writing letters of advice to the characters.

In mathematics we will continue to follow the Maths No Problem programme, ensuring we use plenty of practical activities to support our learning of number, shape, space, measure, and problem- solving to improve our numeracy skills and relate them to real-life situations.

We have some brilliant topics for Geography and History this year. We will study The Anglo-Saxons and The Vikings in history and will examine climate change and migration in geography as well as an in-depth study of The Amazon.

Additionally, the children will continue to have a rich and varied curriculum through weekly sessions of Religious Education, Music, Science, Computing, PSHE and PE (athletics, dance and gymnastics), as well as half-termly Art and Design Technology topics.

Weekly spelling homework will be given out every Monday and the children will be tested on these on a Friday morning along with a times table test. Each term, the children will also receive a longer, project piece of homework linked to one of the current (history, geography or science) topics to explore in greater depth at home together over several weeks. More regular homework will be given out on the run up to SATs to prepare the children for these.

PE will be delivered on Mondays so please ensure that your child has full school PE on this day.

We are incredibly excited to work closely with our families to allow our pupils to reach their full potential. Please feel free to speak with us at any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Y6 Curriculum Overview

Mr Allen                              Miss Claire